
Universa Interruptus

Hello, I’m Corona, and I’m nineteen.
I’d like to know you better, get up close,
Share some nasal fluids; a sneeze or two.
I just love humans, their predictability, their
Fragility, habits, lust for life, each other, and
The stuff they never need.

I’m here to stop you in your tracks, to
Teach you patience, slowing down,
The value of the little things, and who you are.
And that other one, so rare in humankind,
Humility. A word so like human, so unlike humans.
See how big I am? Of course you can’t. Count how
Many I’ve become? Too many for your brain.

I’ll cut you down to size. I’ll show what power is
In one so small. You say that I’m your enemy.
You see this as a war. And yet it’s you who gives
Me life. You are my host, and I’m so grateful for your
Help. Keep living life the way you do, and I will thrive
While you may fret. Or learn patience, humility, the
Value of small things, and I will turn away.

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